Red Arremer
From Super Ghouls and Ghosts
I played a bit of Ghouls and Ghosts, but I recall watching speedruns of it mostly. I loved how fickle the demon was and seemed to have a mind of it’s own. I hated fighting it.
Then I found out it got it’s own games- well, one of major note being Demon’s Crest. Firebrand, a Red Arremer, is one of my favorite characters wherever he shows up. I mained him in Marvel vs Capcom 3 and would have in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite had it of been well received.
I enjoyed the character so much I made an avatar of the MVC3 version of Firebrand. Nothing to be proud of now, it was one of my first 25 avatars, but you have to start somewhere.
Red Arremer sprite made available by Locke GB7 on Spriters Resource: