Avatar Creator
I have spent a number of years now playing VRChat, a game that allows you to socialize and enjoy the company of others from around the world. While it does have its moments of frustration, it has quickly become a pivotal part of my day to day life.
I made the foolish mistake early on of investing in Full body tracking, playing the game in VR with 3 extra trackers. During that time, full body tracking was not well fleshed out and was incredibly rare. The vast majority of avatars within the game had not been built with full body tracking in mind. As a result, I got so frustrated seeing my character fall to the floor, I compelled myself to learn how to build avatars.
It is worth noting I’ve not built an entire 3D model from scratch. My skills in Blender are not that good. All of them are: Licensed characters, characters whom I’ve purchased, or downloaded for free.