Korosensei is owned by Yusei Matsui


From Assassination Classroom

Man, I certainly stepped away from watching anime… or anything really.

I distinctly remember seeing this character and immediately wanting to know all about him, his character, his abilities, his flaws. I’ve always loved scholarly robes, but understand why they have fallen out of favor over the centuries. The fact that he is near omnipotent and is an octopus just emphasizes how unusual he is. I remember taking hours working on his robe to make it look the way id does, adding layer after layer withing Photoshop until I got the result you see here.

This was also the first time I drew a sketch and followed it up with an ink pen. Sloppy, but it was good practice.

In Retrospect, I never did finish Assassination classroom. Perhaps I’ll find some time to continue watching it… in a year or two.

sketch 03/09/2017

Finished 03/17/2018


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