

Okay, I’ve paid for the site at this point and I’ve been spending HOURS setting up the various galleries. I did not suspect this to take nearly as much work outside of the website itself, but it has. It really has. It also helped me realize that there are a number of works I’ve done that lack an image altogether. I haven’t had any time to work on any of my hobbies during this time. I’ve essentially created yet another hobby for myself out of trying to make my hobbies available to the public… go me.

It has been quite the uphill battle, but I can still see progress being made. I simply fear that I reach a point where the website is bloated with images. In retrospect, I don’t need to have EVERYTHING on the site upon it being made available, I simply need the framework and then just give myself the chance to pace myself rather than dump everything.

Been making a lot of major investments in order progress other ideas I intend to pursue. The question becomes if it will all be worth it, or will I wind up with egg on my mask and end up wasting a lot of time, effort and money… I gotta keep working on it. I must.


The Post


Day 1